My son Will and I are on a mission to walk the Bruce Trail – all 900km of it – by Oct 2015. This article is part in a series that chronicles our hikes and hopefully sheds some light on what to expect through various portions of the trail: good places to rest, clean water refills, and even a hidden pub or two along the way.

These single-rail foot bridges dotted made for good navigation landmarks on this portion of the trail.

Frequent single-rail foot bridges dot this portion of the trail, making for welcome navigation landmarks in some areas.

Support the Bruce! Whether you walk the trail or not, you can do your part to help preserve the Niagara Region UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve by purchasing a membership in the Bruce Trail Conservatory. Each year, the BTC spends millions in donations to buy and secure development-vulnerable land along the trail route for long-term conservation. Do the right thing, and pitch in to help!

Hiking Log, Leg 3: Niagara Region (81% complete)

(This is a raw copy of our log as recorded on the day. Don’t expect remarkable grammar or content).

Ingress: Niagara Club Region @44.5 Sun, June 15, 2014 10:00AM

Egress: Niagara Club Region @65.0 Sun, June 15, 2014 6:00PM

Total Travel This Leg: 20.5 km over exactly 8 hours

“Mud, Blood and the Dropoff” 

We decided to sleep in a bit today; the forecast called for cool temps and a good breeze, so there was no need to put trail behind us before the noonday sun.  After a hearty Father’s Day feast of Eggs Benedict (the best breakfast ever thank-you very much), we made ingress just east of the Rockway Falls at 10:00 AM sharp.

Weather at the outset was absolutely perfect:  16C with a steady, cooling breeze.

The mud decided to pay us a visit early on, just a few hundred feet from the road, and within 20 minutes, we were caked up to our ankles.  The deep trenches with wide tire marks showed the cause of the mud to be off-road-motorcyclists.

About 30 minutes in – with no cell coverage and on our own for the next 8 hours – our slippery, muddy shoes took their toll.  I took a nasty spill on the rocks by a creek and cut my right shin down to the bone.  The bleeding was pretty steady, but Will kept his head and was able to help with supplies from the first aid kit and frequent trips to the stream to rinse out our one clean cloth.  After about 15 minutes we slowed the bleeding enough to suture the cut closed and pack it with gauze.  This is the first time we really needed the first aid kit, and we were glad to have recently re-stocked with fresh gauze and antibiotics.

One of a half-dozen waterfalls scattered along this stretch.

One of a half-dozen waterfalls scattered along this stretch.

Following our early, unscheduled break, we continued along the planned path, which was still muddy, but otherwise easy going.  Spider webs crisscrossed the trail for a few kilometres, and we took turns walking in front with Will’s “Galdalf stick” to break through the webs.

The Rockway falls were more impressive than we expected, though they were too distant for us to really aim any decent photos.  If weight were no issue, a proper SLR and some lenses would help us capture the unique vistas we pass every outing.

There are precious few landmarks along the trail between Rockway and the intersection with Louth Side Trail.  We tried to track our position by counting streams and eyeballing the wider curves, but it seems there are some discrepancies between the 2012 printed map and the current trail route.  We’ve seen this before, and while it can make pinpointing position difficult, the maps are generally excellent, well annotated, and, frankly, invaluable for any hiker.

The trail marries up with a few rural roads for about 2km, and both of us were happy for the respite from the occasionally difficult walking.  Portions of the trail up to this point involved some serious uphill and downhill treks in the mud – and wet rock surfaces – so a bit of asphalt traction and a chance to dry out really picked up our mood.

50% of the Bruce still crosses private property.  Generous land owners allow passage for travelers, so we are careful to respect their privacy and their property.

50% of the Bruce still crosses private property. Generous land owners allow passage for travelers, so we are careful to respect their privacy and their property.

Pushing on steadily as we regained the forest trail, fatigue, blood loss and dehydration were starting to take their toll.  Our breaks became more frequent.  Will was staring to show signs of deep exhaustion, and due to the strenuous terrain, bleeding became a constant problem for me.  Will helped changed bandages out every two hours or so to keep the risk of infection at bay.

Just as we approached the Balls’ Falls point, we encountered maybe 2 dozen people separated into a few groups.  None of them were equipped for hiking, and many of them were complaining about the terrain.  This was a sure sign that we were close to civilization of some kind – at least a parking lot.

A very interesting (but in our condition, difficult) roughed-in staircase lead us up the cliffside to a halting site.   We emerged – a little bewildered – onto a manicured lawn furnished with shade, a VERY welcoming bench and even a few point-of-interest plaques.  It wasn’t much, but it looked comfortable, and immediately, we knew this would make the perfect location for our major mid-day break.

Will drained the 1-litre Gatorade bottle like a shot of smooth whiskey and we both set to work on the dried beef provisions saved especially for our midpoint repast.  We tried to pace things a little better with the rations this trip… our theory being that during the last outing, we carried and ate too much.

The leg wound hadn’t taken kindly to the last uphill, and to keep the bleeding under control we elected to bind the leg fairly tightly with hockey tape.  I knew this would limit blood circulation, but some cramping and stiffness would be better than constantly worrying about bleeding and the state of the sutures.

With the first aid behind us, Will enjoyed a refreshing repast while I checked for signs of further civilization and the promise of fresh provisions – especially potable water or maybe an ice cream truck.

Wild Strawberries sprung up like weeds all around us.  There will be some happy rabbits here for the next few weeks.

Wild Strawberries sprung up like weeds all around us. There will be some happy rabbits here for the next few weeks.

We tarried a full 40 minutes on that bench with our shoes off, feet tingling in the breeze before we decided it was time to take up the trail again.  Not 10 minutes in, we stumbled onto yet another manicured lawn, this time spanning acres, and spotted with little quardened-off buildings.  It turns out this was the Ball’s Falls rest point we had planned to stop at, but undershot by a good half-kilometer.  The area is actually a museum of sorts – called the Ball’s Falls Grist Mill, but with no running water or cantina (read: ice cream), we walked past without giving it much notice.

After regaining the main trail at Ball’s Falls, we were in good spirits.  The rest break had rejuvenated us, and it seems we may have found the right selection of food and drink to perk us up.

The trail on some of these stretches became quite difficult – as tough as we’ve seen on any of the Bruce so far, including the sheer climbs along the face of Mount Nemo a few years earlier.  The tight binding on my leg was causing cramps and stiffness, but at least the bleeding was in check, which to this point had weighed constantly on my mind.

Many areas we passed through late in the day appeared untouched.  We could see blazes in the distance, but no path before us.  Whether due to rapid growth of ground plants, or simple disuse from the difficult conditions, the trail was at times invisible to us.  The broad leaves of wild rhubarb obscured the ground below. The ramifications of a misstep still fresh in our minds, we traversed the rocky slabs and crags carefully.

A simple camera phone just can't capture the scale of the trees and cliffs in this old Carolinian forest.

A simple camera phone just can’t capture the scale of the trees and cliffs in this old Carolinian forest.  That’s Will standing by a boulder along the trail in the distance.

Tracking our position by traditional methods (map, observations, chronometer) proved even more difficult for us in the last 7km stretch of our hike.  A few stream-crossings made for plausible landmarks, but the in-betweens were essentially a blind forward push.

Somewhere in this stretch we stepped into a field of flat-top rock columns separated by deep divides.  Will remarked that jumping from stone plateau to stone plateau felt like a video game or something you’d see in a sci-fi movie.  Really, we faced no serious danger as the divides were easy to avoid, and the stone columns were flat and dry, but it was very fun.

Where it all began - a monument to the first blaze on the Bruce Trail.

Where it all began – a monument to the first blaze on the Bruce Trail.

Cave Springs treated us to wondrous, sky-scraping trees on one side and cavernous 200-ft drops on the other.  Again, our imaginations turned to the set of some sci-fi or fantasy movie.  More than once we stopped to take in the sheer scale of the trees and cliffs around us.

Knowing our egress was just a few kilometres off, our pace and spirits picked up.  The pressure bandaging we rigged up was causing cramping and stiffness from the knee down, and my right leg was no longer reliably holding weight.  I frequently stumbled to that side, but not yet to the point of falling.

There were several points along this section of trail where the escarpment drop-off loomed only a pair of meters to our right.  Variably, this sheer fall ranged from a matter of 30 feet, plunging up to 200 feet or more straight down onto the crags below.  Usually there was a buffer of growth there to suppress our vertigo.

In a small clearing, we encountered another pair who were camping and had a fire going.  They seemed hardly to notice us, even though we intentionally made a lot of noise on approach so as not to startle them.

With only 1km to go, we stumbled haltingly onto the ledge of a very high, sheer cliff, and thought perhaps we had lost the trail.  Certainly, we were happy to turn away from that perilous fall.  Doubling back and scouting, we could find no blazes or signs of passage.  We reluctantly returned to the ledge.  Apparently, to move forward, we would have to billy-goat our way along the edge of the rock face – maybe a foot-wide path of solid footing separating us from a certainly fatal drop into the chasm on our right.  Just looking out over the drop was dizzying, and knowing we had to pass through was a real moment of truth for both of us, and our commitment to this trail.

To make matters worse, I knew that another loss of control of my leg could cause me to stumble rightwards towards the deadly drop.   Will and I steeled ourselves for the short stretch of rocky path.  A deep breath and a few carefully placed steps later, and we were across – dizzied but unharmed.  The rest of the way would prove easy, as the adrenaline and promise of a warm meal hurried us to the end point.

We made egress at precisely 6:00PM, exactly on target.  An elderly couple passing in their car pointed us around the bend to a parking lot where we knew our drive was waiting.

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My son Will and I are on a mission to walk the Bruce Trail – all 900km of it – by Oct 2015.  This article is part in a series that chronicles our hikes and hopefully sheds some light on what to expect through various portions of the trail:  good places to rest, clean water refills, and even a hidden pub or two along the way.

You're never too old to stop and play in the water.  Sadly leaflets for a missing person were placed along long sections of the trail, usually close to Ontario Hydro's "Danger" warnings of steep drops to canals.

You’re never too old to stop and play in the water. Sadly leaflets for a missing person were placed along long sections of the trail, usually close to Ontario Hydro’s “Danger” warnings of steep drops to canals.

Support the Bruce!  Whether you walk the trail or not, you can do your part to help preserve the Niagara Region UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve by purchasing a membership in the Bruce Trail Conservatory.  Each year, the BTC spends millions in donations to buy and secure development-vulnerable land along the trail route for long-term conservation.  Do the right thing, and pitch in to help!

Hiking Log, Leg 2:  Niagara Region (56% complete)

(This is a raw copy of our log as recorded on the day.  Don’t expect remarkable grammar or content).

Ingress:  Niagara Club Region @22.6.  Sun, May 25, 2014 7:15AM

Egress:  Niagara Club Region @44.5.  Sun, May 25, 2014 3:30PM

Total Travel This Leg:  21.9 km over appx 8h15 (total 28.1 including side trail loop, mud reroutes and lost trail, according to GPS).

Will is a morning person.  For years, he has wanted to start our hikes at dawn and take the long, slow road through nature without a rush or planned exit point.  This was our mantra for today – dawn start, evening pickup – as it let the rest of the family deal with other commitments.

We hit the showers at 4:30AM with plans to make trail ingress around 6:30, accounting for packing and the drive southwest.  After a few equipment glitches (new day-pack), we wound up 45 minutes delayed and finally inaugurated the trek uphill at Tremont, leading out of St. Catherines at 7:15 AM.

A picturesque portion of the trail at dawn, running through Brock University grounds.  This section was dry and solid, a welcome rarity on this portion of the Bruce.

A picturesque portion of the trail at dawn, running through Brock University grounds. This section was dry and solid – a welcome rarity on this leg of the Bruce.

The Bruce necessarily passes through towns, and the city pavement here with no shoulder and a winding, steady up hill exacted an early toll early on our feet and energy levels.  We soon entered the Brock University grounds which were serene and cool in the early morning, but otherwise unremarkable.

The mud started early.  Many of the trails leading through Brock territory were heavily trenched by off-road motorcycles, which meant frequent side steps and underbrush cutting.

As the morning progressed, we encountered a large number of people on the trail, many of whom we suspect were university faculty/staff/students out for their morning constitutional.  The heavy traffic made ‘bio breaks’ challenging, especially after pre-loading on coffee in anticipation of an 11-hour trek!

Portions of the trail directly pass through Brock’s back lots, and we were within arms length of the campus buildings at several points.  Picnic tables and opportunities for rest abound in this area.  It would also probably be quite easy to pop into one of the campus buildings to use the facilities, or even buy a meal at the cafeteria should the need suit a hiker.

Passing through the Ontario Hydro lands just past the University proved to be another major obstacle of mud and difficult underbrush.  A machete or perhaps heavy shears would have made it easier to avoid the mud trenches, but our choices came down to either pushing through shrubs or filling our hiking shoes with mud.  Wet feet are the bane of hikers, so we sucked up our scratches and scrapes and pressed on through the periphery.

The plaque at DeCew house.

The plaque at DeCew house (click for full size).

The circumnavigation of Lake Moodie was one of the easiest portions of the hike, and helped make up for the time lost due to mud and brush-cutting earlier on.   We stopped at the bridge to enjoy the calming waters and cool our heels.

Decew House Park was new to both of us.  Will took a break at the picnic tables there while I found the trail direction and examined the old ruins.

The Morningstar Mill was our planned first major break, and we approached it somewhat road-weary but determined to press on even in the increasing heat.  The volunteer guide provided an interesting tour, and we enjoyed a shaded picnic table on the museum lawn while picking at our (over-packed) food supplies.  There was a clean water supply here which we used to refill Will’s water belt and to wash our face and arms.

We decided that with a large portion of the day still ahead of us, we would do a loop around the Black Walnut side trail and back to our starting point on the main Bruce again.  This would add several kilometres to our hike, but Will was interested in that path.

The Morningstar grist mill is a national museum with guided tours.  It affords welcome amenities like shaded picnic tables and clean town water to refresh supplies.

The Morningstar grist mill is a national museum with guided tours. It affords welcome amenities like shaded picnic tables and clean town water to refresh supplies.

The blue-blazed side trail turned out to be nearly impassable due to mud and fallen debris, but we persisted, veering a few dozen metres south west of the marked trail where water permitted.  The side trail itself turned into a bit of a fiasco.  Some risky mud-avoiding measures left us scratched and weary, and 6.5km behind, as we still had to back-track around again to the Bruce to correctly finish this region’s end-to-end.

While resting at a shaded bridge, a fellow hiker – stopping as well at this natural waypoint – informed us that difficulties on the Black Walnut and Swayze Falls routes caused her to turn back to ingress and make another path for the day.  She looked the part of an accomplished, sturdy hiker so this news disheartened us, envisioning a repeat of the same treacherous Black Walnut we had just passed through.  Swayze Falls was the only possible route to safe egress without a major retreat for the day, and no hope of pickup for several hours.

The long, cold winter and heavy snowfalls still leave their mark.  Groundwater and mud were the name of the game on this hike.

The long, cold winter and heavy snowfalls still leave their mark. Groundwater and mud were the name of the game on this hike.

A kind of cold determination washed over both of us as we moved through the wet grassy uplands of the Bruce towards Swayze falls.  This was the general motif for the rest of the hike:  we were now quite travel warn and the walk was quiet but determined.

We made Swayze Falls early afternoon, taking a respite there on a bench overlooking the water.  A group of horse riders passed by, also dismounting for a break.  One of them informed us these falls were frequently dry, and it was a rare site to see them running so vigorously.

With one major leg left for the day, we pushed on along the ridge toward egress.  Wildlife abounded here, though houses and roads were never too far off.  We observed a distinctly red-coloured racoon scurrying down a fallen tree and out of site.  Shortly thereafter, we passed 2 white-tail deer – what I believed to be a female and male.  The female scurried away immediately as we approached, but the buck stood his ground, whether curious, unafraid, or other.  The male was finally scared away by a few loud bangs from my walking stick, for which I was thankful as neither of us was in any shape to tangle with an angry 300-lb animal!

We made egress at appx. 3:30 pm along the road leading to Balls Falls.  This will be an inconvenient starting point, but with so many unforeseen problems today, we decided it was time to cut our losses and pick up here again next week.


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10 years ago, Cogeco cable was the absolute go-to ISP for nerds.  Even mid-tier service gave you 3 routable IP’s, crazy speeds (including upstream), and no blocked ports – providing freedom to manage your own DNS, mail and HTTP servers.

Tarnished Halo

Well, times change, as they say, but Cogeco didn’t.  They fell behind in the speed game with their DSL competitors and failed to increase data caps as the Internet moved to rich content and Video On Demand services.  Even their renowned tech service degraded into automated systems and long queues.  It reminded me of that famous vignette of the Bluenose being passed by a steamship… the once proud master of the fleet overtaken by newer technology.

Whether spurred by a mass exodus of customers, or maybe by some latent feeling of pride, spurred indeed they have been, and Cogeco have flown full sail to try and get back in the ISP race.

To try and regain their Internet crown (and probably a host of lost customers), Cogeco has finally notched their outbound speed up to 10Mbps, in line with DSL.  Trying to use cloud services (Dropbox, SkyDrive, etc) on a 1.5 Mbps line was brutal, and even yours truly considered hopping back into bed with that psycho ex named Bell just for the access to 10Mpbs upload.

Real-life speeds on Ultimate 120 come very close to the advertised 120Mbps.

Real-life speeds on the $85/mo Ultimate 120 come very close to the advertised 120Mbps.

In addition to the upload bump, the languishing ISP also pushed download speeds substantially, offering up to 120Mbps downstream on the top-tier package.  Transfer limits remained the same, and with no unlimited data plan, that was the bitter to the throughput’s sweet.

We’ve tested the real-world speeds of Cogeco’s new 120Mbps offering, and it pretty much delivers consistently on the promised speeds.  Upgrading was a snap, with a quick modem swap at the retail store, then a call to the 24/7 tech support to register the modem (though I don’t know why that couldn’t have been handled at retail).  Regardless, we were up and running on the new service literally minutes after swapping in the new device.

Let’s have a look at the playing filed from the T1 vendors today.  All prices listed are for unbundled services, real-life cost as of June 1, 2014 before any short-term promotional discounts:

Bell Fibe 50
50 Mbps down
10 Mbps up
175 GB monthly
* Available most areas
Cogeco Ult 55
55 Mbps down
10 Mbps up
275 GB monthly
* Available most areas
Cogeco Ult. 120
120 Mbps down
10 Mbps up
425 GB monthly
* Available most areas
Bell Fibe 175
175 Mbps down
175 Mbps up
300 GB monthly
*Very poor availability

Counting the minutes here until a takedown notice from Bell comes in…

Bell’s Fibe 175 looks really interesting, especially for home business customers running services from the cloud, but as far as I can tell, it’s just not available anywhere in the real world.  Maybe some new condos in Toronto are being wired for this service, but not one of my clients anywhere in the GTA could get access to this plan, even in new neighbourhoods/buidings.  I did have one chap tell me he was on this plan, but was unable to verify on-site, and when punching in his phone number, it said “unavailable”.  I call shenanigans.

So for now, it looks like ol’ Cogeco has pulled their creaky bones back to the head of the pack.  Even resellers like Teksavvy and aren’t keeping up with the new cable services available, probably because of some CRTC regulation hobbling competition.  At any rate, we’re giving the Cogeco 120 plan a strong ‘recommend’ for speed and reliability, with the caveat that you will pay through the nose for going over the 425GB transfer hard limit.

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Living in the Toronto area, you take the good with the bad.   While the city offers innumerable benefits over smaller towns, you simply can’t “just get away” without committing to a few hours behind the wheel.  Well, that is what we thought until we found the Bruce Trail.

Perseverance through the downpour rewarded us with this rare and spectacular horizon-to-horizon double rainbow. The camera phone doesn’t do this event justice: the colours were more vivid and distinct than any I’ve seen.

The Bruce is a true hidden treasure:  not only is it the oldest and longest marked footpath in Canada, but it passes right through the west end of the metropolis area along the UNESCO-protected Niagara Escarpment.  Spanning 900km from Niagara to Tobermory, there’s more than enough nature, hiking, camping and climbing to keep you busy literally for years.

One of my sons and I started hiking along the Bruce a few years back, and have undertaken a mission to complete a full end-to-end run by October 2015.  We’ve wiped our old logbook clean, and restarted at the Southern Terminus Cairn this past Sunday, May 18.  I’ll be chronicling our progress here, as well as adding some tips and suggestions for those who may be undertaking the same route.

Hiking Log

(This is a raw copy of our log as recorded on the day.  Don’t expect remarkable grammar or content).

Ingress:  Niagara Club Region @0.0 (Southern Terminus Cairn).  Sun, May 18, 2014 2:30PM

Egress:  Niagara Club Region @23.6.  Sun, May 18, 2014 8:05PM

Starting conditions were excellent:  cool temperatures, light wind and no bugs.  Make great time over first 10km.  One break at 1h30 mark for 10 minutes.  Major break (35 mins) at 11.8 km mark along Warner Rd. before entering Woodend Conservation area.

At the intersection of several trails.  The Bruce is marked by the ever-present single white blaze.

At the intersection of several trails. The Bruce is marked by the ever-present single white blaze.

Finding lots of mud – some unavoidable – in lower-lying areas, roughly every 500m or so.  People have obviously been through here on motorized off-road vehicles, and have really ripped up the trail in places.  Mud nearly impassable in 2 or 3 spots… just have to walk through and deal with the consequences.  The mud itself and efforts to skirt it safely leading to slowdowns, fatigue, frustration, and some twisted ankles.

Heavy rain starts around the 16km mark as we pass by some of the Welland Canal.  This isn’t helping the mud situation, but has put the run to some evening mosquitos.  Will makes use of a dollar-store poncho to mitigate the deluge, but we end up pretty much soaked through.

A few scary moments at a steep zig-zag descent (did not note location) down a slippery ledge, then again with muddy tracks along cliff-top portions of the trail.  Also a few dizzying moments along the canal edge with just a few slippery feet separating us from a fatal drop.  I hope the conservation authority finds a way to route the trail further from that drop in future!

Lost the trail a total of 4 times today:  Once overlooking a steep gorge, but found the blazes after a bit of rooting around, then again at an apparent 3-way intersection with another trail.  We encountered another disoriented couple (mother and son), before we noticed the blaze painted on the side of what looked like a large sewer channel.  We called back to them after Will and I found a few clear white blazes on the opposite end of the dark and flooded tunnel.

The end of the Welland Canal was a welcome site.  There were some hearstopping moments with a 30-foot sheer drop only 2 feet to our left with no barrier or warning.

The end of the Welland Canal was a welcome site. There were some hearstopping moments with a 30-foot sheer drop only 2 feet to our left with no barrier or warning.

Third lost trail was at the intersection of the Bert Lowe Trail.  We had to backtrack a few hundred metres to pick up the Bruce.  The fourth lost trail put us on a different track entirely, which was marked with yellow blazes, which we mistook for faded white Bruce markers.  Luckily this trail ran roughly parallel with the Bruce, which we were able to pick up about a kilometre later with little lost time.

This entire section of trail (the first 23km of the Niagara Club Region) was picturesque in places, but generally unremarkable, except for the canal zones which were breathtaking in both a good (awe-inspiring) and bad (fear-inducing) sense.  A beautiful double rainbow marked the end of our rain-inundated stretch along the canal, providing a landmark for the home stretch to egress, and the beginning of a warm, welcoming sunset.

Due to a very late start (2.5 hour delay with weekend traffic), and the general muddiness of the trail, we broke with our normal rest procedures.  We rested only twice, completing the last 12km of the trip without any real respite.  We encountered only about a dozen other hikers on the trail throughout the ~23km stretch.

Trillium Flowers abound in this section of the trail.

Trillium Flowers abound in this section of the trail.

Will pointed out several ideal camping places along the way, and expressed interest in a 100km hike at some point with full packs.  We will need to toughen up significantly for that kind of trek, which will probably be necessary for the Peninsula Club section from Tobermory through Wiarton.

We encountered an uncommon number of small snakes along the way, though few other signs of wildlife.  A few rabbits crossed the path as it approached the outskirts of town.  Trillium flowers, both white and pink, carpeted the forest floor in many areas.

Our ankles are sore from dancing and hopping around muddy trenches – it may be worth investing in some low-cut light hiking boots for future trips.  Otherwise, the day has been successful and fairly easy, though we were working from an outdated packing list, and need to update our packing sheets based on some hiking logs from previous years.



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You’ve seen them put-putting along the roadside and bike trails, piloted by some ‘weirdo’ or other social outcast.  Or were those nutjobs actually visionaries – early adopters of a world-changing technology?

Scooter Commuter

Scooters don’t have to be ugly, short-range puddle-jumpers. Retro-fit gasoline-chassis scooters provide heavy suspension, large wheels and and smooth ride, while maintaining all the benefits of electric power.

E-bikes – electric scooters with vestigial pedals – hit the market in Asia about a decade ago, where they have have seen widespread, rapid adoption.  The first models landed on North American shores about 5 years ago to a lukewarm reception, though their welcome is quickly warming.

This is the first in a series of articles which will chronicle my household’s decision to reduce our reliance on gasoline, eliminate some pollution, and hopefully save a few bucks in the process.  Welcome to Ebike Nation!

What’s an E-Bike, and what are the rules?

“E-Bike” can refer to a number of different vehicles, but it usually denotes one of two things:

  • A standard-frame bicycle fitted with a battery and electric motor
  • A full electric-powered scooter with pedals as a backup

Future This WayElectric-assist bicycles have been around for a long time, and we’ve personally been using them here for about 5 years.  Scooters are just recently starting to see real proliferation with the introduction of long-life lithium (LiFePO4) batteries, though many older models with lead-acid batteries are still available.

The laws surrounding ebikes vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but in general, both are treated like a regular bicycle, with all the same allowances and restrictions.  In Ontario specifically:

  • No drivers license required.
  • Must be 16 to drive.
  • No vehicle license or registration.
  • No insurance required.

Of course, your region’s regulations may be different, so check with your transportation ministry and municipality to be sure of any applicable laws.

Justifying the Purchase

In June of 2013, I decided to take the plunge and picked up a shiny new ebike to replace one of the family vehicles.  After a bit of research and window shopping, I zeroed in on a high-end, heavy-duty, long-range commuter bike.  At $2000+ my wife and I had high expectations for the ‘value proposition’ of this bike as a true car replacement.

To run a domestic (read: cheap) commuter vehicle, including licensing, registration, insurance and of course lease/payments, you’re looking at about $650/month before gas and maintenance.  For a small vehicle, gas consumption averages about $200/month, and you can triple that for an SUV or longer commutes.

SavingsSo the average Canadian is spending (conservatively) $850/month to own and operate a small domestic commuter vehicle, and about $1200/month for a van or SUV/crossover.  You can fact-check our numbers here or here or here.

Depending on your needs, an e-bike will range from $1200 to $2500.  Battery charging costs are essentially negligible, with the first month running me $3 in electricity.  Even replacing a small, infrequently used vehicle with a deluxe electric bike should pay for itself in less than 3 months.  Plugging in these numbers, and factoring inthe rising cost of gas ($1.33/l today) commuting on the grid will save you $30k or more in the first 3 years.

In the case where you’re keeping your car and using the ebike for around-town to save gas, you’ll have to punch in your own numbers.  My own experience is to expect around $200 in savings monthly, which puts you in the 1-year timeframe for payoff.  Still pretty decent.

Compared to owning a car, the financial benefits of owning an e-bike are extremely attractive, but how reasonable is it to expect to replace a full-on car with an ebike?


Everyone’s vehicle fills a different role for them.  A flooring contractor won’t be scooting around town on an ebike, and your silk suit might not like the rain.  Here’s what we laid out as our own requirements:

  • Commuting to/from workplaces with one-way distances of 15 and 40 km.
  • Grocery and other shopping trips
  • Traveling to client meetings
  • Transporting kids to activities (swimming, climbing, music lessons, etc)

The bikes have been able to fulfill these roles with aplomb, however sometimes it is simply not practical.  Large grocery runs still require a lot of storage space, and snow on the ground makes travel on two tires unsafe.

Electric scooters have evolved and are capable of more than you may thing.  Among the myriad manufacturers, you are almost certain to find a model to suit your needs.

Electric scooters have evolved and are capable of more than you may think. Among the myriad manufacturers, you are almost certain to find a model to suit your needs.

Still however, we’ve found ways to overcome many issues:  proper outerwear for rain/cold offsets the discomfort of exposure, and adding more storage to the bike allows for more substantial grocery and other shopping.  There are even snow tires available for ebikes!  We will cover all of these remedies in detail in future articles.

Is it for you?

Short answer:  “probably”, provided you are willing to commit to educate yourself and exchange a bit of luxury for environmental and economic benefit.  Even if you cannot reasonably expect to commute or replace a car with an ebike, the general around-town type functionality will still offset the cost of the purchase fairly quickly.  If you’re smart about battery and chassis selection (more to come on this), you can expect several years of service from a good ebike, and more importantly, the realization that you are not belching pollutants out the back of your ride will keep you motivated to saddle-up instead of fill-up.

Happy ScootersIn upcoming articles, we will go into much more depth on topics such as battery technology, brands and dealerships, outerwear, gadgets, safety, environmental impact, and even maintenance and retrofits.  We’ll also be launching a new site with discussion boards, more articles and lots of in-depth reviews.  Stay tuned and check back frequently for the latest on this new trend in clean, cheap transportation!


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Ring in the new year with a buffet-style spread of Benedicts.  It’s surprisingly little effort (compared to what you’d put into a normal turkey dinner), and will not only wow your guests, but it will keep the kids at the table for a long, satisfying feast.

Benedictus Prandium (ex Ovis, that is)

Classic eggs Benedict with a side of fruit.

Classic eggs Benedict with a side of fruit.

Due to the ice storm and travel problems this year, we had to swap our Christmas and New Year’s dinners.  We always try to make a different and engaging feast for both the kids and adults, and I think this year we really hit the mother lode with the Benedict buffet.  And you can do the same with very little effort!

Laying out some carefully-planned ingredients will let your guests enjoy a genuinely gourmet build-your-own brunch (or dinner), with all the trappings to make:

  • Eggs Benedict – the archetype and namesake of the Benedict meals, topped with Hollandaise sauce
  • Provençal – swap your Hollandaise for Béarnaise
  • Hemmingway (or Benjamin) – with salmon and sans peameal
  • Chesapeke – add crab cakes!
  • Blackstone – side bacon instead of back bacon, optional tomato
  • Beauregard – a kid-friendly roadhouse take on the classic Benedict, topped with gravy

What You Need

This meal works best as a buffet, as everyone likes something a little different – and kids are of course pretty finicky eaters.  Below is a run-down of the various/optional components for a successful buffet of Benedicts.


Hollandaise and Béarnaise sauce are time-consuming from scratch.  We won't tell if you use instant (and noone will know, either).

Hollandaise and Béarnaise sauces are time-consuming from scratch. We won’t tell if you use instant (and noone will know, either).

The sauces are the lynchpin ingredient in any Benedict, and the Hollandaise family  – especially Béarnaise – will require a lot of attention to make from scratch.  Unless you have a dedicated saucier, we strongly recommend using the ready-mix varieties available at your local grocery store.  Don’t be ashamed:  90% of restaurants that serve eggs Benedict (even the snobby ones) use mix or pre-made Hollandaise and Béarnaise for their dishes, but they won’t admit it unless you ask specifically.

  • Hollandaise is the main ingredient in most of the variations on Benedict.  If you have a double-boiler and want to make it from scratch, we recommend this recipe.  We have quadrupled this batch (16 eggs/1lb butter) with no problems.
  • Béarnaise is a variant on Hollandaise that is mouth-watering on meats and fish.  For the adventurous, this is our recommended recipe.  It is essential for eggs Provençal and is a recommended substitute on either the Hemmingway or Chesapeke variants.
  • Gravy.  You know what it is.  If your kids love it, you can use it to make a Beauregard or even try it on Blackstone.  If you’re serving breakfast potatoes, hash or home fries with the meal, this is will be a popular addition.

Buffet Items

You’ll need several constituents for people to choose from when building their Benedict meal.  Numbers in parenthesis indicate how many you’ll need to heartily over-stuff a group of 4 adults and 4 kids.  In order of importance and flexibility from top to bottom:

  • English Muffins (12):  The foundation of all the variants.  Can be buttered (better!) or plain.
  • Poached Eggs (12):  These are a staple in each recipe, but can be left out as per individual taste.  These can be made in the microwave quite easily.
  • Hollandaise Sauce (double batch):  Probably the most broadly appealing of the various sauces.  Kids may be unfamiliar with it, but most kids will like it after a single taste.
  • Peameal Bacon:  Found next to regular bacon in the grocery store.  It’s a common component in many of the variants
  • Side (Streaky) Bacon:  The old standard all-American bacon.  A favourite of kids and can be substituted for the peameal
  • Crab Cakes (4 small):  Buy or make them from scratch.  Replaces peameal in eggs Chesapeke:  a light, decadent and filling variant that will likely be the pièce de résistance in your repast.
  • Salmon Fillet (4 very small/thin):  Be careful not to purchase/make very salty or heavily flavoured salmon.  A small, thin fillet replaces peameal in the Hemmingway/Benjamin, and it needs to be quite understated or it will take over the whole serving.
  • Béarnaise Sauce (single batch): A personal favourite of mine, but it’s a stronger flavour than Hollandaise.  A good Béarnaise can make for a very memorable meal.
  • Gravy (1 packet, more if serving fries/hash browns):  Maybe a little to low-brow for this feast, but some kids love it, and it will also work on a number of sides (esp. potatoes).  It’s a lynchpin ingredient in Beauregard.
  • Tomato Slices (1 large tomato):  Can be added to any recipe, really, and is considered standard on Blackstone.
  • Spinach (small bunch):  Uncommon, but like tomato can be added to many variants safely.  A key ingredient in Florentine.
  • Diced Green Onion Rounds (2-3 sprigs):  Mainly as a garnish, but it adds color and a burst of flavour

Side Dishes

Asparagus and Hollandaise were made for each other.

Asparagus and Hollandaise were made for each other.

The Benedicts serve well on their own, but there are some traditional, easy sides you may want to offer:

  • Asparagus:  Typically served with many of the variants, and works especially well with Hollandaise or Béarnaise.
  • Home Fries or Hash Browns:  Kids love ’em, and many upscale restaurants serve fried potatoes along side Benny dishes.  Hollandaise and gravy both work well with potato-based sides.
  • Fresh Fruit:  All of the Benedicts are rich, decadent dishes.  Fresh honeydew and cantaloupe slices provide a perfect, refreshing balance.


Buffet presentation doesn’t give you a lot of room for creativity, but you can add some interest by printing out a ‘how to build’ sheet for each place setting.  Spend some time on the prinout for an authentic restaurant menu feel…  List all of the Benedict variants you have laid out ingredients for, and a description of how to make each from the buffet.

Chesapeke replaces the traditional peameal with crab cakes, and is often served with Béarnaise.  This dish will be your show-stopper.

Chesapeke replaces the traditional peameal with crab cakes, and is often served with Béarnaise. This dish will be your show-stopper, but don’t blame us if your in-laws insist on coming back!

The kids will love this approach, and it will encourage them to try something new.  Adults will want to compare and contrast, and perhaps try something they haven’t (like the Chesapeke).  At the very least, you can be sure it will help with conversation and keep the in-laws focused on your delicious meal and not on the dust in your living room.

Good luck!  We’d love to hear of your experiences with this (or other) non-traditional New Year’s meal.

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A new generation of tablets with full-featured Windows will win the war of attrition against both iOS and Android.

Put on your “suspend disbelief” hats and pull up a chair: I’m about to tell you why the tablet is dead – at least Steve Job’s vision of the tablet.

Whence the tablet?

Less than 4 years ago, Apple unveiled a product that would fundamentally change the landscape of portable media and entertainment.  The first-generation iPad took a decades-old concept, slate-format computing, and made it truly work for the masses.  In fact, this wasn’t Apple’s first kick at tablet can:  a dozen or so people bought the Newton MessagePad from 1993 to 1998, and Apple even prototyped a tablet-form PowerBook but shelved it over concerns of leeching sales from the Newton.


The TC1100 and it’s generation were the first full-featured windows tablets, but met with a cool reception due to the clunky stylus-based input.

Windows users had access to tablet-format computing since about 2000, though it was a pretty sup-par experience until the release of the Pentium-M toting TC1100 from Hewlett-Packard.  Even with the excellent keyboard and docking station, though, the TC1100 and its contemporaries suffered from poor battery life, pokey response, and a touchscreen that required a very specific stylus to work.  The tablet PC was generally relegated to very specific, high-portability functions like those of sales people, site inspectors, or medical professionals.

On the heels of their tremendous success with the iPhone, Jobs & Co. released their own take on the tablet.  It really was revolutionary and also unexpected at the time… most pundits predicted an OSX-toting slate computer, and were flabbergasted to learn that the new tablet would be running the same operating system as the iPhone (iOS, – with name on loan from Cisco).

Well, of course the internet nerd contingent – all of whom wanted OSX on a slate – completely wrote-off the new device, which was dismissed throughout the tech blogosphere as no more than a ‘maxipod’ and doomed to failure.  Well boy oh boy did Jobs prove them wrong.

Getting it right.

iPad First Gen

The iPad gave users something new: light, portable entertainment with a great battery and easy interface.

Apple had either realized or accidentally stumbled upon an important fact:  people at home in the evenings wanted and were willing to pay for a lightweight portable screen they can surf the web on, use to catch up on facebook, or play solitaire.  This is very important – read that sentence again.  More importantly, this was a separate device – not their laptop or phone – that they were willing to drop >$500 on as a personal entertainment device.  This kind of tablet came to be known as a ‘media consumption device’, largely due to the fact that data input capabilities were minimal/clunky and productivity apps were rudimentary at best (if available at all).

Because people were willing to shell out for a separate media consumption device, the iPad enjoyed meteoric sales, reaching new heights year after year.  The device truly changed public perception of web and media accessibility at home, and sales have only now started to level off as competition increases and people have saturated their tablet needs.

Meanwhile in the PC world …

In the background, another phenomenon was taking place in the PC world:  Chips were not getting “faster” at the breakneck pace that was so prevalent through the 80’s and 90’s.  Instead of the megahertz race of yesteryear, new CPU designs from both Intel and AMD were focused on adding new features such as:

  • Integrating GPU capabilities into the same die as the CPU
  • Dramatically reducing power consumption
  • Accelerating Virtualization at the CPU level (ie Intel’s VT extension set)

The upshot of this change in focus in the CPU industry was that as time passed, older and older PC’s could perform the same productivity tasks as newer ones, without the almost mandatory 3-year replacement schedule of earlier generations.  Also, PC’s and laptops were no longer a novelty item – they had become a necessity for home and office, and people weren’t excited about replacing them anymore.  It became a mundane life expense, like buying a new commuter car, which you delayed as long as possible.

The personal computer is dead!

PC sales started declining in 2009, and have been slowing down since.  Why?  Well, people just don’t have need of the latest greatest desktop/laptop every few years like they used to.  The old gray mare in the corner is still capable of running the latest version of Word, researching stuff online, and playing The Sims.  So even if Mom or Dad needed a new rig for work, little Johnny and Sally could still use the hand-me-down for a number of years without too much concern.  This of course means fewer new computers under Christmas trees, and fewer new laptops for back-to-school.

The trend in dropping sales started roughly around the same time as the massive proliferation of the superphone (an even smarter smartphone?) and the introduction of the media-consumption tablet.

PC sales slow as tablet sales grow, but the trends are not as related as you think.

PC sales slow as tablet sales grow, but the trends are not as related as you think.

Correlation is not causation, but pundits love to show graphs and trends and tell you that product A is replacing product B etc.  The fact is, though, there is literally no evidence – zero, nadda, nil – that the rise in sales of smartphones and entertainment-centric tablets has had any causal affect on the sale of PC’s.  We do see the sales of one sector go up, an the other go down… this is pretty clear.  What is also clear, though is the fact that people have not taken up using their phones and tablets for input-heavy productivity tasks such spreadsheets, building presentations or writing up proposals and quotes.  These devices simply lack the input capabilities and the robust software tools required to efficiently get in a good day’s work.

And so, famously, the “death of the PC” was proclaimed by Jobs in 2010, and the reverberating masses echoed his words far and wide.  People talked of ‘watershed’ moments when RAM sales for portables outpaced those of PC’s in 2012 and how the computing world would never be the same.

… Except not.

Now let’s fast forward a few years to end 2013/early 2014.  Tablet sales have been extremely healthy, but growth is starting to level off (especially for the iPad).  Is this due to stronger smartphone sales?  A resurgence in the PC world?  Well, if you think so, I would challenge you to produce the hard evidence.  Jobs (probably) knew it, but noone else seems to realize that these are completely different market segments.  The tablet segment is simply becoming saturated.  If the tablet you bought 2 years ago does everything you need it to, why buy a new one?

Also, now that we’re a few generations in, tablet processors and software are really great at rendering busy websites and processing other complex media (ie playing movies).  The Mom/Dad trickle down to Johnny/Sally is already becoming saturated too, so a slowdown in growth is of course only natural.  The tablet you buy today will last you much longer than the crappy Tegra 2 tablet you bought in 2011.  This of course is precisely the trend we saw with PC’s starting half a decade ago.

The Landscape Today

In my own tech consultant role, I’m lucky to visit and work in many and varied offices.  I enjoy a lot of visibility of what small to medium businesses (200 or less employees) in many industries are using for computing.

The vast majority of offices still look like this:  a PC at every desk, though the average age of those is increasing.

The vast majority of offices still look like this: a PC at every desk, though the average age of those PC’s is increasing.

What I see is this:  your local Avon lady uses a tablet at night to catch up on Facebook (which she uses to promote her business), but she is on her junky old chicken-grease-coated PC during the day to work out spreadsheets, her geographies, quotes, and to submit those coveted, rare orders.  She hasn’t updated her HP laptop in 4 years, and doesn’t need to because it still works on all the company’s systems.  Avon wants to make it as easy as possible for their field agents, so everything sales agents need to communicate with corporate runs on Windows XP with 512 MB of RAM.

When I walk into a larger office, maybe 80 people at an accounting out-sourcer (you wouldn’t believe how many of these there are),  all the marketing people have iPhones, all the tech guys have android phones, but every desk in that building has one thing in common:  some kind of Windows desktop.  The sales guys may have Apple tablets, or even Android or Windows tablets for presentations, but invariably, they all still rely on old fashioned PC’s for day-to-day work.  The average age of the PC’s I see in theses offices is increasing, too, as is the age of the software with many shops still running Office 2007 or even 2003.

The more things change, the more they stay the same

The business landscape and sales trends paint a pretty clear picture, and it’s really not surprising at all:

  • Businesses, large and small, still rely (almost) exclusively on desktop or laptop computers for productivity
  • Consumers at home still need PC’s to interface with work, do their taxes, and manage years of collected data and documents
  • Consumers at home want a convenient 8″ or 11″ tablet for relaxation or “media consumption”
  • Both business and home consumers tend not to buy new PC’s or tablets if their current one does what they need, as seen first by the leveling off in PC sales, and now with tablets.

People need a PC for work and want a tablet for play, and are willing to pay for both.

As mentioned above, the tech blogosphere was quite shocked in 2010 to find the newly-introduced iPad running iOS rather than OSX (the full desktop OS).  But Job’s cheesy car-salesman grin kept attention away from his dirty little secret:  It wasn’t that Apple didn’t want to put OSX on the iPad, the fact is that they couldn’t.  The technology didn’t exist yet to have an x86-compatable chip in a very slim light tablet with any kind of performance or battery life.  These tablets did exist, actually, running windows, but the experience was poor and costs were twice what Apple was promising with the iPad.

And almost prophetically, the same CPU trend which led to slowing PC sales – that led to the proclamation of it’s death – is about to breathe new life into the platform, and slowly, inevitably edge out competitors like Apple (iOS) and Google (Android).

When is a tablet not a tablet?

In the fall of 2013, Intel set loose a new generation of CPU that would finally bring x86 computing to tablets, while competing on par for battery and performance with its ARM nemesis.  The Atom-series Bay Trail chips would completely outshine any ultra-portable x86 chip on the market, even offering laptop-grade computing and graphics at very low power consumption.  The portable computing game had suddenly changed, and dramatically so.

The new Bay Trail CPU crosses a critical threshold for performance and power consumption, pushing x86 tablets into the mainstream.

The new Bay Trail CPU crosses a critical threshold for performance and power consumption, pushing x86 tablets into the mainstream.

Bay Trail (in its many tiers) allowed tablet manufacturers like Lenovo, Microsoft, Asus, Dell, and others to fabricate a tablet computer with excellent performance and battery life running full Windows 8.1.  We’re not talking about Windows RT, which, like iOS and Android is limited by what’s available in an app store – this is full-blown x86 windows, which can run Quickbooks, Office, Photoshop, Quark, or any other Windows program you can throw at it.  And with the expanded 3D capabilities, the higher-end tablets will even run current PC games at low settings.

Most of these manufacturers have an array of Bay Trail models, housing anything from an Atom-grade CPU right up to the Core i5 with full virtualization support (cause, you know, you really need to prototype that cluster on your tablet).  What they all have in common though is thin, light build, excellent battery life, and that all-important x86 compatibility.

When people buy a tablet, they’re expecting media consumption:  games, social media, and entertainment (a la Netflix).  When they buy a laptop or PC, they expect to be able to run all of their current productivity programs, connect a CD-Rom drive, plug in a USB stick, etc.  But what if they could do both on one device?  Well, I guess that would mean that instead of spending twice, you could just spend the once…

BYOD’s place in all this

A common trend in business today is the so-called “BYOD” or bring-your-own-device paradigm.  Initially, the plan was to have employees supply a cell phone of their choice, and the employer would cover some portion of the cost related to doing business.

Today, though, the BYOD trend has expanded to Laptops, including ultraportables.  Many corporate roles involve some degree of travel or off-site work, and laptops are an absolute mainstay for many businesses. The ultraportable computer (ie MacBook Air, Ultrabook) is a significant portion of that notebook market.

And so the war begins

And here is where a new trend starts, an old one slowly dies off, and the PC – in a new body – secures its place as the primary productivity and entertainment device in your possession.

Imagine for a moment your 3-5 year-old laptop needs to be replaced.  You spent about $1000 on it, and plan to drop maybe $800 on a new one.  You use it for work, it’s usually with you when you’re out and about, and it has a ton of important work and personal data on it.

You’re also eyeballing a shiny new tablet for kicking back on the couch with in the evenings.  It’s a pain to lug out your laptop just to catch up on facebook.  Maybe you have an older iPad, but it’s slow and clunky and you want an upgrade.

So being a shrewd shopper, you go out to kick the tires on some new laptops and read up on some reviews before you commit to moving in for another 3-5 years.  Poking around Best Buy, you pass right by the Windows tablets, “Who would want a windows tablet?”.  But the keen sales guy takes you back over for a second look, saying it may be just what you’re looking for, and hands you a Dell Venue Pro 11 to play with.

This tablet is small – the same size and weight as an iPad 4, with the same battery life, too.  But what’s this?  A USB port?!  Yes, and an SD card slot too for expanded memory.  Now the bomb drops:  it will run all the same programs as your current laptop, and it fits in the paper slot of your attache, and even with a keyboard cover costs less than the laptop you expected to buy.

So you take a chance, wowed by the portability and battery life – twice what you’re used to – and find that the new rig fully satisfies your productivity needs.  From time to time, you plug in an external keyboard, or even plug it into your big monitor at home, but no matter where you go, your whole work environment and all your data are at your fingertips, and smaller than a pad of paper.

A couple of months later, you’re on the couch at home, and an ad pops up in the You-Tube window on your tablet.  There’s a killer new tablet from Apple that’s smaller, lighter and faster than the last generation.   This reminds you that it’s been 6 weeks since you picked up your old tablet, and that you no longer want or need another new tablet for your down time at home.  The Windows tablet in your hands – running full windows – does more than any locked-down Android or iOS tablet ever could.  You just have no need for a second device anymore.

When the dust settles

All of these trends together point to one inevitability:  full-function productivity/entertainment tablets will slowly but surely replace the media consumption devices that dominate the market today.  This will not be an overnight change:  as BYOD buyers eventually replace their desktops and laptops with tablet-format PC’s, they will no longer need a media consumption tablet.  Every imaginable program can be run on an x86 tablet, from productivity to social media to entertainment, and without reliance on a proprietary app store.

Another factor at play here is that the new Windows for tablets is actually really good  compared to Android and iOS.  Printing just works.  File sharing just works.  Plug in a USB stick, and bam – there are all your files.  Need to VPN into work?  Piece of cake.  For all the problems with Windows in the past, this generation truly offers far more connectivity and convenience for tablet users than anything else out there.

The only way Android and iOS will survive this war of attrition is if they begin to offer x86 program support via an emulation mode that will be available in the next major generation of ARM processor.  Why buy a tablet with 1 million apps available when you can buy one with 100 million apps available?  Why settle for a facebook app when you can have the full browser-based experience?  Why run a second-rate photo editor when you can run Photoshop?  Just like Parallels and VMWare saved the OSX desktop from obsoletion in the workplace, a strong x86 compatibility mode could save Google and Apple tablets from a slow, painful but inevitable death.

Yes, that's full Windows running on a tablet with the same dimensions as an iPad 4.  Full USB, expandable memory and a removable battery make it a very attractive laptop replacement.

Yes, that’s full Windows running on a tablet with the same dimensions and battery life as an iPad 4. Full USB, expandable memory and a removable battery make it a very attractive laptop replacement.

In the meantime, though, there are a slew of new tablets from Dell, Lenovo and Microsoft that put the full power of a PC in your hands at the same price point – and in the same form factor – as that iPad you wanted for Christmas. If you’re in the market for a new computer – or equally, a new tablet – these deserve your serious attention.  Of the half-dozen clients we’ve seen here take the plunge just in the last 2 months, the feedback is loud and clear: “The tablet is dead.  Long live the tablet!”

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The-Humans-Who-Went-Extinct-PictureIf you’ve watched the History Channel or any of a number of BBC documentaries over the last decade, you probably have a crystal clear image in your mind of the rise and fall of our Neanderthal relatives.  You’ve learned that though they were a hearty and barrel-chested species, their more primitive tools and thrusting spears were no match for our superior H. sapiens technology.  Slowly, as our ancestors migrated out of Africa, we out-competed our (possibly kissing) cousins, and through slow, natural selection, you and I emerged as the last Man standing.

But according to Clive Finlayson, the whole thing may not be so cut and dry.  In fact, he’s going to convince you that the picture in your mind is flat out wrong.

In his 2010 opus The Humans Who Went Extinct: Why Neanderthals Died Out and We Survived, Prof. Finlayson points out – in abundant detail – how our current model was developed, and how science has latched onto scant and even inconclusive evidence to support some truly grandiose theories.  The Archaeology is good:  we have an abundance of tools, habitation sites and other evidence to show that *someone* was living, evolving and innovating across Africa and Eurasia during the Upper Pleistocene, but the fossil record is inconclusive, and doesn’t provide enough evidence to back up the tidy account in most docu-dramas.

MorpheusShort of just pooh-poohing the current model though, the author builds and presents his own detailed and lucid account of the evolution and migration of early Man.  Finlayson takes an holistic approach to the rebuilding the history of the Homo genus:  he draws from a broad spectrum of sciences to support his ideas, most notably geology and paleoclimatology, and the results are not only believable but compelling.

Depending on your tolerance for detail, you may find this book on the ‘protracted’ side.  The crux of the book probably could have fit into 100 pages or less (the ebook copy is 275pp), but where Finlayson is presenting a new idea, he’s providing reams of supporting evidence and explanation.  The writing itself is easily accessible to the layman, but you need to bear in mind the author’s academic background, and that he must cover all his bases to satisfy scrutinizing colleagues.

Keep one of these close at hand so you don’t become lost among the many species names, places and timeframes.

One further side note:  Unless you are a Geography major and perhaps a Paleoanthropologist on top of that, you’re going to want an internet-connected tablet with access to maps and probably Wikipedia as your reading companion.  The author presents examples from a myriad species, geographical locations and geologic time periods, and wrapping your head around these is central to understanding his thesis.

We’re being very careful not to give too much away here… but whether you end up agreeing with Prof. Finlayson’s arguments or not, you can’t help but be mesmerized by his profound grasp of the process of speciation in the real world.  To walk away with only a piece of that enlightenment is worth the cost of admission, and well worth the time invested with your nose between the pages.

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Far from it’s lowly days as the little operating system that could, Android has squeezed out both incumbents and newcomers alike to gain solid control of the global smartphone market – almost 80% as of the last tabulation.   The only other real competitor, Apple’s iOS eked out only 13% of the same market, meaning it sold 1 iPhone for every 6 Android-based phones in the last quarter.  Apple’s margins are still very strong, but  whether this counts as ‘competition’ is a matter of debate.

Android Monopoly

It’s unclear at this time if we as obedient consumers should welcome or fear our new green Dalek overlords.  An Android, open-source monopoly differs from a typical closed-source monopoly in several key ways, but it’s still a monopoly.  Let’s look at the situation in more depth:

The Good Side

The benefits of a strong Android are myriad.  First off, an open-source linux-based operating system monopoly means generally better security, flexibility and very broad hardware support.  A huge user base also attracts more developers and more importantly, quality developers.  Several non-smartphone products have also sprung out of the Android ecosystem, such as the OUYA and NVidia Shield game consoles, a variety of smartwatches and set-top media players like the Popcorn Hour.

With no licensing fees or hardware restrictions, manufacturers and upstarts are free to build Android into whatever they want.  This is perhaps a blessing and curse as it leads to fragmentation and ‘version dispersion’, causing headaches for developers.  On the other hand, new hardware vendors such as OUYA can latch on to a fully matured operating environment and get to market very quickly with relatively tiny development overhead.

The Dark Side

Android BorgMonopolies are very good at keeping competition out of their marketspace.  Android may be open source, but Google is a for-profit business with infinitely more lawyer/bully resource than the open-source community.  If they choose to ‘bend’ (or flat-out break) the OSS rules, there’s precious little anyone can do about it.  With the beginnings of a firm strangle-hold on the industry, Google could easily use it’s position to bolster profit margins and lock-out 3rd-party innovations.

Also, though an open-source monopoly leads to more hardware selection, it means other operating system players have a slim-to-none chance of gaining enough share to be profitable.  Reeling smartphone maker Blackberry has rebounded with an excellent reinvention of the BB OS, but squeezed in between iOS and Android it has little chance of survival.  Similarly, Windows Phone 8 – a truly unique and enjoyable ecosystem – will likely go the way of its predecessors never gaining enough share to turn a profit or gain 3rd party hardware or software interest.

The Scary Side

One final and troubling concern with Android is the close integration to Google’s services.  And by that I mean the essentially unlimited capacity for Google to track, advertise to and flat out spy on you.  I’m not saying the same isn’t true of Apple, BB and Microsoft, but Google’s business model is unwaveringly tied to knowing *you*, as intimately as possible.  Sure, you can use a different mail service, map service, GPS, calendar, etc, but try activating an Android phone without a Google account and see how far you get.

Domestic Spying

All in all, if one ecosystem is going to hold onto monopoly status, Android is probably the least of the many possible evils.  We’re not saying any monopoly is a good thing, but perhaps (hopefully?) this one is better than the alternatives.  It is a platform which allows for ‘Wild West’ development and innovation, and even with the inevitable fragmentation, ideas are free to bloom and grow much more readily than in the walled gardens of other vendors.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed that Google sticks to it’s motto:  “Don’t be evil.”

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“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better…”  – Theodore Roosevelt (full quote)

After a year long soup-to-nuts development and production cycle, the OUYA console has finally been unleashed unto the world.

The OUYA console and controller is at the centre of an Internet holy war (of words).

The OUYA console finds itself at the centre of an Internet holy war (of words).

Rather, the OUYA has been dumped into a vicious pit of hit-hungry web reviewers so desperate for ad revenue they eschew actual journalism in favour of follow-the-leader ‘shock value’ negative reviews and haughty, snide tirades.

But this is nothing new.  That’s how some critics and reviewers make their money – by entertaining, and not by being accurate or even smart for that matter.  They thrive on carousing jeers and publicly belittling others.  In essence, are more concerned about profits or their own agenda than credibility or integrity.

This kind of mass lamb-basting has reared its ugly head at least two other times in the past couple of years.  First with Duke Nukem Forever, and then with the Microsoft Surface RT.  In both cases, many web and even print reviews followed the same skeletal framework, and dismantled the products point-by-point, often rife with the same factual inaccuracies – proving to the public that many ‘reviewers’ had simply not even used the products they were reviewing.  Some retracted their articles when they were called out publicly, most just shrugged it off.

I’ve been following the OUYA for close to a year, and like the Duke and Surface RT, it’s a polarizing product.  Long before release, articles, blogs and forum comments either praised it as the second coming, or derided it as a useless device for ‘n00bz’ or ‘lame casuals’ (referring to casual gamers).

So herein, dear readers, lies our daily lesson in human psychology, and hopefully a little reminder about reviews, “shock journalism” and web revenue:

  • All your products' sins shall be forgiven!

    All your products’ sins shall be forgiven!

    Too positive:  For 90% of products, a completely positive review is probably a paid message – whether directly or not – or someone so excited over a product they are unconsciously ignoring the annoyances.  Another possibility is that the reviewer did not spend enough time with the device,  or use it a meaningful way.  This is often a habitual, recognizable pattern, so watch for the all-too-positive writers.  A lot of Apple reviews fall into this category.

  • Belittling: When the reviewer goes beyond examination of the actual product and how buying it will affect you, they have some sort of agenda – even if they don’t know it.  For example, personally berating the team at OUYA is a mechanic to either garner shock-value hits (revenue) or overcome the writers own insecurities (classic bullying).  When you see this mechanic used, steer clear as you can be sure the review has no real value to you.
  • Follow-the-leader reviews are probably the least reliable, as the writer may have never touched the product.

    Follow-the-leader reviews are probably the least reliable, as the writer may have never touched the product.

    Bandwagon:  Writers ‘follow the crowd’, and can often be seen to use the same root or skeleton framework for their review – even copying the inaccuracies.  The problem is rampant with cult-like brands and the almost religious zealotry associated with the same  – such as Apple or Call of Duty games.  You’ll notice these as you read a few reviews on the product you’re researching.  Steer *very* clear of these, as it’s proof positive they’ve hardly touched the product – if at all.

Really, every writer falls into these traps to some extent from time to time.  We get excited and focus on the good.  We get burned and focus on the bad.  But the good ones see it happening and change course, either through an update or even a full rewrite if they’ve gone too far.  Find 3 or 4 reviewers you, over time, deem trustworthy, and hit them up first.

And now back to the poor, battered, OUYA, the latest victim in the mass-bullying mentality.  I’m not saying the OUYA is a great console, and I’m not saying it’s for everyone, but please, dear readers, do your research and blacklist the shock-value writers who want to make you feel good wallowing in self-righteous anger.

Oh, and as for the OUYA – is it any good?  You know, it’s not bad for what it is, and what it’s meant to be.  It’s a good emulator, an OK game console and a very capable media player if your media is stored on a NAS.  The best thing you can do is put on your shiny, clear skeptic’s goggles before diving into *any* review, and be sure to give those soapboxers, bullies and copycats a wide, wide berth.


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